
500 Meter waldeinwärts
In unseren individuellen Inhouse-Workshops und Seminaren in kreativer Umgebung beleuchten wir gemeinsam Ihre Marketing- und Kommunikations-Maßnahmen, zeigen Potenziale auf und entwickeln neue Ideen. Dabei unterstützt die kreative und sprichwörtlich bodenständige Atmosphäre des Waldes den Kreativ-Prozess. „500 Meter waldeinwärts“ bedeutet auch hier das verlassen eingefahrener Pfade und Denkmuster.
In regelmäßigen Abständen bieten wir zudem hochwertige und persönliche Impulsvorträge verschiedener Speaker für kleine Gruppen bis 12 Personen, mit anschließendem Austausch. Sie möchten Potenziale erkennen, den Blick von außen wagen oder Inspiration finden? Dann sprechen Sie uns an!


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur piscing elit. Nunc ultri auctor sapien id cursus. Aliquam maximus turpis in vehicula semp Fusce et ultrices libero, at suscipit lacus. Sed vitae fringilla nibh.

Intensive Course

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur piscing elit. Nunc ultri auctor sapien id cursus. Aliquam maximus turpis in vehicula semp Fusce et ultrices libero, at suscipit lacus. Sed vitae fringilla nibh.

Intensive Course

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur piscing elit. Nunc ultri auctor sapien id cursus. Aliquam maximus turpis in vehicula semp Fusce et ultrices libero, at suscipit lacus. Sed vitae fringilla nibh.

Instructor Training

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur piscing elit. Nunc ultri auctor sapien id cursus. Aliquam maximus turpis in vehicula semp Fusce et ultrices libero, at suscipit lacus. Sed vitae fringilla nibh.


Here’s what our happy drivers had to say about our services:

Avada Driving School really helped build my confidence behind the wheel and with driving in general, and they got me a first time pass! Highly recommended.

Sophia Jones

Avada Driving School really helped build my confidence behind the wheel and with driving in general, and they got me a first time pass! Highly recommended.

Harold Green

Avada Driving School really helped build my confidence behind the wheel and with driving in general, and they got me a first time pass! Highly recommended.

Grant Harvey

Avada Driving School really helped build my confidence behind the wheel and with driving in general, and they got me a first time pass! Highly recommended.

Kate Lewis

Avada Driving School really helped build my confidence behind the wheel and with driving in general, and they got me a first time pass! Highly recommended.

Kelly Johnson